January Classes
Embroidery Club
Friday, January 17th 10:30AM
12 Months, January - December
Kimberbell Mystery Quilt taught by Ashley.
Will include emblishement kit. Fabric kits will be available for purchase.
Will meet second Friday of the month with some exceptions. Please check the calendar for those exceptions.
Sign up fee: $35.86
Monthly fee: $17.93
Fabric per month: $7.99
Call to sign up today! (402) 512-7195
Beginner Machine Embroidery Class
Friday, January 24th 10:30AM
New to machine embroidery? Not quite sure where to start? Join Ashley in learning the basics of this wonderful hobby. She will go over the different stabilizers and even help you complete a few small projects. You will need to bring your own machine and know how to load a design. A minimum of a 5" x 7" hoop is required. Sign up now!
AccuQuilt Tulip Table Runner
Saturday, January 25th 9:30AM
Spring will be here before we know it! Get in the springtime mood with this cute tulip table runner made using the AccuQuilt cutter system. You will need the 8" Qube and the 2 1/2" strip die to complete this project.
Sign up now!
Block of the Months
All Blocks of the Month will meet the second Saturday of the month with a few exceptions. Check the calendar for those exceptions. If paid for in full you will recieve $25 off. Please call the shop or stop in today to sign up! (402) 512-7195
Pulsar BOM
9 Months, March - November
Designed by Studio 180, taught by Amy.
Will use Studio 180 Rulers.
Sign up fee: $71.98
Monthly: $35.99
My Happy Place BOM
9 Months, March - November
OESD Design, taught by Ashley.
Machine embroidery.
Sign up fee: $43.99
Monthly: $21.99
Riley Blake Home Town
3 Months, 2 days each month
Machine embroidery taught by Judy. Includes designs. Fabric kits are available in 2 sizes for purchase.
Class dates:
Friday and Saturday, May 2nd & 3rd
Friday and Saturday, June 27th & 28th
Friday and Saturday, July 18th & 19th
Fabric kits:
Small (37.5" x 42") $189.99
Lap (55" x 63") $225.99
Sign up now!
Lucky Bag!
Lucky Bag Preorders are Open!
It's time to order your Lucky Bag Today!
Pick up is Saturday, March 8th!
The Lucky Bag is a special bag that we put out every year. Once the Lucky Bags are distributed, the rest of the year there are special deals for those with the Lucky Bag on the second Saturday and fifth Tuesday of evey month. The number of Lucky Bags is limited so call or stop in to pay for yours! Pick up day is our big birthday celebration on Saturday, March 8th.
Upcoming Big Classes
Celtic Quilter Friends Retreat at
Unity Village
Sunday to Wednesday, May 4th to 7th
Let's take a trip together! Join us at Unity Village in Lee's Summit, Missouri for a wonderful quilty get away. Dinner will be provided Sunday night and lunches Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Dinners on Monday and Tuesday will be on your own so you can explore the area. You can choose to room by yourself or grab your best friend to share with. Call us to sign up today! (402) 512-7195
Miracles of Spring with Claudia's Creations
Thursday to Saturday, May 15th to 17th 10:30 AM
Come be inspired during this Hands-On, Embroidery Event featuring International Embroidery designer and instructor, Claudia Dinnell. During this 3-day Hands-on Event, you will learn tips, tricks and techniques for multi-hooping with your embroidery machine. Claudia will be teaching her new spring design, Miracles of Spring, in both Easter and Religious themes. or choose from one of her other designs. Designs must be purchased from Celtic Quilter. Sign up now!
Quilted Sneakers with Quilting Elissa
Friday or Saturday, June 20th or 21st 9:00 AM
If you're looking for a fun and creative way to refresh your shoe collection, why not try making your own quilted sneakers? Join our class taught by Elissa Ziccardi, a FreeSpirit Fabrics Circle of Makers Brand Ambassador and Aurifil Artisan. Fashion-forward footwear in custom style! This full day hands-on instructional experience will leave you with the satisfaction of knowing that your sneakers are one-of-a-kind and made by YOU!
Sign up now!
Friendly Reminders
The next workday for all of the 2024 Block of the Months is Saturday, January 11th.
The next workday for Tucker University Symphony Block of the Month is Friday, January 17th.
Hours: Monday - Friday 10am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 4pm, Closed Sunday
Website Facebook Instagram Tik Tok Link Tree
Phone: (402) 512-7195