June 12th Trade up and Learn Event

Session 1: Make Scraps Count with GO! Cube!
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Swimming in scraps? Learn how to put them to work using AccuQuilt’s GO! Qube system! You’ll learn how fast, accurate and easy it is to keep your scraps under control by building beautiful quilt blocks and more.
Sign up now!
Session 2: Bust Your Stash with BOB!
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
How much-unused fabric is filling your quilting space? How exciting would it be to quickly and easily cut it all to make beautiful quilts? Come meet BOB - AccuQuilt’s innovative Block on Board dies, all designed to cut a complex seeming quilt block in mere seconds and see how it’s done. You’ll learn from the best Pam and Erica. Sign up now!
Sign up for one session or both! ($5 a session) Receive your $10 class fee back toward your AccuQuilt purchase. Limited seats avalible. Sign up now!

Hours: Monday - Friday 10am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 4pm, Closed Sunday
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